Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ten Things That Should Be Illegal During Finals or: Why Accept Responsibility for My Own Procrastination When I Can Just Blame the Rest of the World

1. Nice Weather
It's no secret that I have a clear favoritism towards the springtime. Cut out your hipster bullshit, no matter how painfully beautiful the gray of the sky during the first snowfall is, there is no denying the vast amount of suck that makes up the winter months. But, after patiently waiting for months on end, spring has finally sprung...just in time for me to lock myself in my room and never leave. Seriously, Mother Nature? Stop looking so good. It's distracting.

2. People Who Look Remotely Presentable
As a girl who probably takes a bit too much pride in her appearance, my main laundry concern for 90% of the semester is not running out of clean underwear, rather running out of cute outfit options, forcing me into having to wear sweatpants to class. However, these rules are subject to change come finals. The only things standing between me and rock bottom are dry shampoo, body spray, and my Snuggie. At this point, I'm beyond caring whether that cute boy in my econ class is staring at me, I'm just trying to get my A and get out. That is, until, that one girl shows up looking like an actual put-together human being, and the anxiety of looking and feeling like I've just crawled out of a dumpster finally sets in. Just know that if you even remotely look like you tried, you've probably destroyed my self-esteem and can expect to see me glaring at you out from above the bags under my eyes.

3. People Who Don't Quite Grasp the Idea of "24-hour Quiet Hours"
Possibly one of the biggest blessings to have come out of this week is the institution of 24-hour Quiet Hours. That is, until, a rogue group of non-honors girls hijacks your study space and tend to have a very liberal interpretation of what "quiet" is supposed to mean. I don't mean to sound elitist, but if you're going to live in a SASHP dorm, you're gonna have to learn to play by the SASHP rules, and the SASHP rules say that you need to shut up. Like right now.

4. People Who "Don't Really Have Any Finals"
If you only have one final this week and it's in your Intro to Underwater Basket-Weaving for Beginners class, don't even bother talking to me. We are not friends.

5. People
Horse ebooks tells it like it is
Being that I am currently running on 4 hours of sleep over the course of the past day and a half, all of my senses feel heightened. I'm like Spiderman, if Spiderman's source of power were black coffee and instead of webs his fingers shot out 12 pages of bullshit political theory. The problem with these heightened senses is, however, that basically anything that anyone does is the most annoying thing I've ever experienced. Seriously, if you so much as breathe too loudly near me, I will hunt you down (or, you know, just passive-aggressively Tweet about you).

6. YouTube Videos/Wikipedia Articles
When used appropriately, YouTube and Wikipedia can greatly improve the quality of your studying, paper-writing, and general morale (see previous post). However, like crack or Doritos or similarly addictive substances, once you get your first taste, you can't stop using. It starts with just one cat video, but before you know it, it's six hours later, your paper is still half-finished, and you're watching an hour long tutorial on how to properly mix a dubstep track. Same goes for Wikipedia. Give it enough time and eventually you'll be doing an in-depth study into the philosophy of Veganarchism.

7. This Jacked-Up Bus Schedule
I suppose that this is a uniquely ~Rutgers Girl Problem~, but this is so large an injustice that I can't NOT complain about it. If there's one time in the year that it is absolutely essential that I both leave my dorm as late as possible (in order to maximize sleeping potential) while ensuring that I arrive on time, it's this week. So, why then, Rutgers, do you decide to do this to me? "Tracked vehicles for the route EE arriving in: 23 or 67 minutes." Seriously? Seriously.

8. The Human Need to Eat
There are two types of people in this world: people who stress-eat and people who stress-starve. I happen to be the latter and, while it may sound like a life of glamour and thigh gaps, it's not all it's cracked up to be. It's not that I am consciously not eating; if I had the choice, I'd be milking this opportunity as a guilt-free excuse to eat everything in sight. I'm just not hungry. I'm starting to think that this is pretty unsafe seeing as I can't actually remember the last time I've had a full meal, and don't know whether I'm shaking due to overcaffeination, lack of sleep, or the lack of food in my body. Though, let's be real - it's probably all three.

9. Coffee That I Have to Pay For
The amount of money that I've spent on coffee this year alone is appalling. If I'm going to be surrendering half my paycheck to you in return for some caffeine-laced bean water, the least you can do for me is put it in an IV so I can bypass the drinking process altogether.

10. Social Media
People validate themselves in all sorts of ways, whether it be through the work they do, their advanced knowledge of an obscure niche topic, or sometimes even through their physical appearance. One of my biggest sources of validation, incidentally, is whether people think I'm funny on the internet. And, at a time where my need for validation is at an all time high, it's all the more difficult to stay away. It shouldn't have to be this hard to fuel my own narcissism.

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